Sharing Wi-Fi Via QR Code

I just found out last week how to share my home’s Wi-Fi password without reading out loud my password.

Using the Shortcuts app on my iPhone, I manage to create a shortcut to generate a QR code for friends and guests who would like to connect to my home’s Wi-Fi. You need to set it up once, and you’re good to go! Here’s a step-by-step on how you can go about doing it.

Ensure you have the Shortcuts app installed. Or download it at the App Store.

39B78023 86B0 4C16 B29D 832E19B37162

Tap “+” icon on top right to create a new shortcut. 

739F6D7C 7270 407B 9258 72EC0443A5F1

Tap “•••” icon located on the top right to rename. I rename it as “Share Wi-Fi”.

62EA54D8 94D1 4436 B6D1 FC8A5AE01AAB

Tap “+ Add Action” tab and search and select  “Get Network Details”.

D80B72D9 41DB 45EF 9F87 C200AC3A6104

Tap “+” tab, search and select “Add to Variable”. Change the “Variable Name” to “SSID”

7A9F811C 6BAC 4156 A927 EB532EC2E493

Tap “+” tab, search and select “Text”. Input your Wi-Fi’s password within the text box.

207C8386 08D0 4790 94BD 140490386D3D

Tap “+” tab, search and select “Set Variable”. Change the “Variable Name” to “Password”

450E437C C25A 4177 8BBB 8A0B05714C57

Tap “+” tab, search and select “Text”. Type in the following:

*Note there are options to select the variables <SSID> and <Password>.

3E04BB3E FCBF 42B9 9C4E 490C095C1D94

Tap “+” tab, search and select “Generate QR Code”. 

94BD7730 7BDE 423F 9BEE 2766A9051E9C

Tap “+” tab, search and select “Quick Look”. This action will generate and show the QR Code. 

Lastly, tap “Play” button and you’ll see the QR Code.

Now you ask a friend to scan this QR with his camera and see what happens!


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